Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaMultiple Language website
Currently users can generate a website almost in any language. This feature should allow users to have their site live In multiple languages at the some time with option to switch between languages by the visitors.
E-commerce integrations
We are investigating E-commerce integrations option
Adding more customization options to the components
This feature will allow users to customize components further as we go.
CRM to Email
We are investigating to allow users to send emails to the leads they get from CRM. this is something we are considering as a growth for the CRM feature. (Still under review) may happen or may not happen depends on our findings and it's feasability
Purposeful templates
Ready assembled templates for different use cases, including an agency promo services use case
Adding mobile view to the editor / Preview
This will allow users to view how the site will looks like on mobile version In progress along side improvements for the mobile responsiveness for the components.
Allow users to use their own OpenAI API key
Option to allow customers to use Use own OpenAI key to remove limitations on AI Marketing/Genie
Mohamed Ghaith3
Global HTML codes in header/body
This feature allows users to enter HTML codes globally in the header or body and not page-by-page
Mohamed Ghaith3
Schema for SEO
Detailed Article about SEO Schema here https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/wordpress/schema-markup-seo?utm_source=Blog&utm_medium=Manual%20WordPress%20Targets&utm_campaign=Google%20Search&retargeting=off&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXtzwKL19zVeyJ3OmqI0rTVYFdOdgGUPyX085keI0x4jRA_ZEVv3XAqhoCaN4QAvD_BwE#what-is-schema-markup
Categories for blog posts
Possiblity to organize/categorize your blog posts, currently AI Genie lists blogs from the newest to the oldest.
Improve blogging system
This is to improve our bloging system. More info to be released later
Sections with multiple columns
This will allow users to put a normal element in one column and another element in another column
Mohamed Ghaith3
Custom Scripts
Nadia#Improvement 👍2
Dark Theme components
Design components in Dark mode
Mohamed Ghaith1
allow 3rd party (embedded) form on website to add contact submissions to internal crm
most people who have form builders and LTD would benefit from this.. most app sumo people
anthony#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗0